Saturday, November 16, 2013

Morning Meditation

"I'm an Americanist. I survive America, in spite of what it wants to do to people like me."~ Henry Rollins

Another young artist wrote me this morning asking about how to "make it" as a visual artist in the music industry. I remembered this video featuring Henry Rollins. It pretty much sums it up.

Ok, watch Henry's video now...then come back here and read.

I worked for many years hand printing all night to make deadlines, standing in darkrooms for hours on end at minimum wage, and later in my career, dealing with a never ending line of condescending, corporate whores who proceeded to art direct something inspired into meaningless drivel. I often wondered why I got into the art biz to only be living at, or slightly above, the poverty level. Yet, I didn't give up. I still worked my way up the ladder until I found jobs that were paying well, only to then realize the corporate work was very unfulfilling. I often hated getting up in the morning having to face another day.

My lucky break came in the mid-90s when I walked into the High Times NYC office to secure a t-shirt deal for the company I worked for. I bumped into Steven Hager , the editor, who saw my portfolio of Neo-tribal Native work and whisked me into a board meeting.  The Cannabis Cup poster designed by Stanley Mouse had just been rejected by the Native American Judges due to some religious issues. Steve decided to gamble and Jeff Wood, the artist nobody had ever heard of, was offered the gig. My hero Mouse, whose art inspired me as a young kid to become an artist, had inadvertently handed me my first high exposure poster job. How's that for synchronicity? I flew home and three days later the poster design was finished and off to NYC. It was approved later that day. Steve also told me it had made the cover the magazine, a High Times first.

The interesting part of that tale is that I almost didn't make that trip. I was so tired of the corporate grind of ladder climbing office politics. I just wanted to walk on the beach where I lived and stare at the waves I never got to ride.  I was so wrapped up in chasing money and playing my role. Meanwhile, my life as an artist, wannabe surfer and zen creative type was passing me by.  I had fallen into the trap of doing what society programs you to do and less of actually chasing my dreams.

So here it was, another trip to NYC to play the role of Art Director...oh, fun fun. My enthusiasm was gone. I decided I would send the sales guy up by himself. He could handle it. When I told Judy I wasn't going, she insisted that I make the trip, if for nothing else a break from the office. Reluctantly, I packed a bag and flew out the next morning. I figured I could attend the meetings then have one of my friends around Woodstock come pick me up and get me out of the city.

I almost shut the door on opportunity because I was ready to give up. I went anyway. My future was set into motion and I didn't even realize to what extent at the time.

A couple of years later, I decided that it was time for me to quit the corporate world and dive head first into the world of gig posters. Was I crazy? Some of my friends and family thought so. I had worked my way up from  darkroom assistant to a high profile Creative Director position at a multi-million dollar company, yet I was still unhappy. I was toast. I felt I had nothing to lose. Time for a leap of faith. It certainly wasn't going to be easy starting over from the bottom on a another career path, yet I was determined to make it happen. I believed more breaks would come, and they did.

My words to young artists are the same as Henry's. It takes tenacity more than talent to make it, and yes, sometimes you win the lottery. Was I intimidated stepping into filling the space my hero Mouse had left open for me? Hell yes. Fear is a great motivator, but it doesn't stand a chance against determination and tenacity. Tenacity will always overcome talent. There was no choice for me but to work very hard to achieve my dreams.

I still remembered those times I didn't know where the next meal was coming from or the long days and nights of slaving away for pennies on work that rarely, if ever, got any recognition. I couldn't allow myself go back to that, ever. Want to talk about a motivational reason for me to keep at it no matter how hard it gets?  I remember my past and where I came from to get to the present moment. Martin Luther King once said,  “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” There you have it. That's motivation.

There will always be those better than you, more talented, and better funded. Your job is to stay the course, weather the storm and manifest those lucky breaks. The universe conspires to lead those who dream to the ability of fulfilling those dreams, only if they are willing to make the sacrifices to get there.

...and I'll leave you with some sagely advice from the good Dr. Thompson:

“No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.” ~Hunter S. Thompson.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Morning Meditation

Yesterday there was an incident where a FB user posted an the altered version of the Widespread Oak Mountain poster  to their personal Facebook page. They also posted it as their cover photo. When I asked them to remove the altered image they became passive-aggressive abusive, even at one point resorting to veiled threats in private messages.  I referred them to my attorney. I was in no way abusive. I simply told them in no uncertain terms to remove the stolen altered image. I assume me calling them an "art thief" after their refusal to remove the image was considered abusive. So be it.

They reported me to FB and I received notice this morning that I have been blocked from posting to my personal account. Due to FB taking this action, until the matter is resolved, I'll be posting through my blogger account.

I use FB as a vehicle to interface with my fans, friends, collectors and family. People post my art all the time. I have absolutely no problem with that. Share away, critique, whatever! I do have a problem with someone altering the art, especially high profile licensed pieces, and using it for their own purposes. I also have an obligation as an artist who produces licensed work to adamantly protect those copyrights for myself and my clients.

Yesterday is a prime example of one of the many things wrong with FB's social network. So, if protecting my copyrights is abusive, block me. FB can ban me if they feel it necessary. It will not change my mind on the matter. I will not cater to someone's crushed ego because they abused my copyright obligations, mocked my request to remove the image and got called out out as a intellectual property thief in return.

Due to this I'm going to consider the extent I will be using Facebook in the future. At the moment, I'm waiting to see how FB legal handles this. My reply to the "abuse report" was filed this morning. I have nothing to hide and everything was well documented.

...ahhhhh, the inkernets, and so it goes. There is still a smile on my face today.

First world problems, indeed.

Be Safe. Play nice.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Poster Children: The Art of Widespread Panic

Exciting news from the studio! I am honored to have been asked to do the cover for the new Widespread Panic book documenting 25 years of Panic poster art.

Yes, there will be an art print of the cover sold exclusively through Panic Merch at a date to be announced shortly.

Check it out:

Widespread Panic has spent 25 years earning a reputation for amazing live shows. The band's commitment to the live experience is not limited to the stage, but to visual artists across the country.

For years, the band has been dedicated to commissioning artists to create limited edition posters for their shows and they have archived all of these posters in their vault.

Every Widespread Panic fan would love the chance to dig through the bands poster archive, and with this book, they get the chance. Over 400 posters spanning their entire career are included in this 320 page hardcover book, including notes from Dave Schools and John Bell and from the poster artists, including; EMEK, Marq Spusta, Chuck Sperry and Jeff Wood.

Dave Schools, “These posters were another way for our fans to relive the show and commemorate a good time. In a way, they were like the gatefold record cover of the by-gone vinyl era – a visual interpretation for fans to look at while listening to our music.”

Widespread Panic Umphrey's McGee Charleston

I recently did another poster for Panic and continued the Neo-tribal Goddess series. This one is titled "Spirit Sisters".

A few are still are available in the store. Click on the Widespread Panic link under Shop.

Widespread Panic Umphrey's McGee Charleston 2013 
Standard Art Edition
Uncut Double Poster Artist Edition of 150 prints 
30" x 22" • French Kraft Paper 
Signed and Numbered • Remarqued 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Evening Meditation


It was a honor to be able to visit my friends Alex and Allyson Grey and share some serious studio time this past month at the COSM Summer Visionary Art Intensive . I made many new friends, as well as, reconnected with old ones. It was a magical week with an amazing group of people. So much mind blowing talent packed into one studio at the same time.

My room at the COSM house was adorned with original art by Alex and Allyson. There is nothing quite as thrilling to an artist as getting to fall asleep under the watchful eyes of their Maestro's works. Waking up and staring at such special art was a great way to start the day.

I rarely get to leave the studio these days, or pick up my brushes for any extended period of time, so spending 7 days immersed in the visionary arts is a real treat for me. It's also something I plan on doing much more of in the future. Once again I realized how much I miss painting and being around other like minded artists.

On the way home I stopped off to see my brothers  Johnny Thief and Matthew Lukesh at Seppuku Tattoo in NJ. Johnny and I hit up NYC a few times to wander through the East Village and Little Italy.  I always look forward to those trips into the city. The food, the art, the culture, I grow to love the place more with each visit.

Thank you all for the amazing experience! I'm looking forward to the next time around.

Check out Alex's Blog post about the event and more pics here

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shipping and Stella Update

Hi All,
I'm planning to start shipping tomorrow. I have a job I should finish today and then it's headfirst into getting all the orders out the door. Judy will be helping over the next few days, so things should move smoothly and a bit quicker than when I work alone. I'm going to ship the regular orders first and then follow that up with the donation gifts.

For all those who donated to help Stella...

She is hanging in there. The radiological treatment was scheduled for next week, but due to the prescription food we had her on, we must wait an additional 30 days for it to clear her system. The local vet had no idea that the wait time would be that long. She was a bit aggravated at Hill's Science for not informing the Vet community about this. They did more blood work this past Friday and found she may be having kidney issues, but not sure. We switched up the food, put her new medication and she seems to have stabilized. She is a bit weak, and not eating as much as usual, but still getting enough down to keep her from wasting away. She's basically hanging in there. She has more blood work being done this Friday to see where her numbers are at. Hopefully we will get some good news concerning the kidneys. The numbers were slightly off, but nothing major. It will take a couple of weeks to see if her numbers level off, if they do, she will go for the thyroid treatment the first week of October.

She's a tough old soul. I think if we can keep nutrition in her she has a chance. She's been getting a lot of my attention of late. Lots of petting and holding which she normally will have none of. She seems to enjoy the extra scratches behind the ears. I'll keep everyone updated, and thanks once again for being so kind and generous with your support.

Morning Meditation

We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us, and make us kinder. We always have the choice. ~Dalai Lama

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Morning Meditation

Be soft.
Do not let the world make you hard.
Do not let pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree,
you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
~ Kurt Vonnegut

Be soft. 
Be mindful. 
Be present.
Just Be.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Evening Meditation

Do everything with a mind that lets go. Do not expect any praise or reward. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom. Your struggles with the world will have come to an end. ~ Ajahn Chah

New Earth Art Church on Sept. 7th

Art Church at New Earth Athens this Sunday from 2-6 pm.

Come by and join us as we continue to establish our very own Art Church in Athens. Bring your art supplies, painting gear, sketchbooks, cameras etc!

Tomorrow's Agenda:

2:00 Welcome and Opening Silence/Meditation

2:10-2:30 Opening talk: Doing what really matters in your life vs needful wanting and how that plays into our creative flow

2:30-3:00 Art Techniques: The meditative drawing exercise called Zentangle.

"The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Almost anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well being. The Zentangle Method is enjoyed all over this world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages."

Visit the Zentangle website

**for this exercise a small sketchbook, mechanical pencil and fine tip black maker would be a handy items to bring.

3:00-6:00 Open Studio

See you there!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Afternoon Meditation

"I should be suspicious of what I want" ~Rumi

This is a follow up to last evening's post where I examined Pema Chodron's question "Death is certain, the time of death is uncertain, then the question becomes, what really matters most in your life?".

There is a quite a difference between "what matters" vs. "what I want". I think Rumi addressed the issue succinctly by saying we should be suspicious of what we want. I also think we can take that one step further and state "I should be suspicious of what I want beyond what really matters".

Let's say I win the scratch lotto and I instantly have $1000 dollars. I know that would make me happy, so the flawed logic being if $1000 dollars makes me happy, $100,000 dollars will make me 100 time happier. Unfortunately, that is an illusion. You're either happy or not. It's a lie the consumer based economy wants you to believe. It's what we are taught from the time we are children to adulthood in today's modern society. We are bombarded with advertising and propaganda to reenforce the idea all through our lives. In reality, we are happiest when we do what really matters to us. What really matters is not the same as what we want. Thus the phrase, "you can't buy happiness"might come into play.

Once "what really matters" is taken care of and the wanting begins, so does the needful pain involved in obtaining those wants. This wanting usually leads to unhappiness, or suffering to use a Buddhist term. Not good. There goes the happiness we had doing what really matters, only to be replaced with the unhappiness of needful wanting.

So, should we sacrifice the happiness of doing what really matters for the illusion that our wants will bring us more happiness?

I think you know the answer. Shaking a lifetime of societal programmed ideology based on an illusion is hard, but not impossible. Doing a task that really matters to us often can be very uncomplicated and simple, yet it makes us very happy. Chasing an illusion of "more happiness" quite often brings suffering.

 The trick is making the commitment to practice recognizing what really matters and being suspicious of what we want. That's an interesting one to sort through in our head. Does it really matter, or is it just something I want.

Artwork: Despair ©Alex Grey

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Evening Meditation

"Death is certain, the time of death is uncertain, then the question becomes, what really matters most in your life?"
-Buddhist Nun Pema Chodron

When one can finally come to truly understand Pema's statement, the reality of being present in the things that matter the most to us comes into sharp focus. That understanding can, and most probably will, change your outlook on what is really important.

Working long hours at a job that makes you miserable or leaves you feeling unfulfilled, tolerating toxic people and situations, as well as a myriad of other frustrating and painful elements I doubt figure into the mix of what you believe your life should be. Were we born to live unhappy? I think not.

What really does matter in your life? Happiness? Balance? Love? Your creativity? Maybe it's time to decide and start living the life you were meant to live.

Your life is passing before your eyes. Be present in the things that bring joy into your world, and the world as a whole. Your true happiness in this life depends on it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Best Wedding Cake Ever

From a couple's wedding who got engaged at Panic en la Playa Dos. Simply Awesome!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Saving Stella

My lovable kitty Stella has been diagnosed with Feline Hyperthyroid Condition. We noticed she was rapidly losing weight and not her old chipper self. Upon taking her to the vet, where they preformed a battery of tests, we were informed of her precarious condition. Fortunately there is a cure that is 98% effective. It's a radiological procedure that will destroy the small tumor on her thyroid gland causing all the problems. The shocking part was the price tag. The procedure will cost around $1300. 

To help raise the funds for this life saving treatment I'm offering up the last of my Neko prints as a way of saying thanks.

All donations $20.00 and above will receive the Neko print. All donations over $50 will receive the Neko print, as well as, a very special "Thank You" package from the studio filled with Zen Mystic love!

Stella thanks you from the bottom of heart for your kindness, as do her Mom and Dad.

8" x 10" • French Black Licorice Paper
Signed and Remarqued
The Japanese kanji means "Heal".  
We thought that quite appropriate

Leftover Salmon Breckenridge Brewery Project

I recently did a design for Leftover Salmon and Breckenridge Brewery. I illustrated the song Thornpipe which is being put on coasters and very special run of posters. Check out the release below to win one!

NOW AVAILABLE! Thornpipe, the new song from our series of Collaborative Song Releases with Leftover Salmon, is now available inside of our 12-Pack Sampler Packs! Download the song with the free download code found on the Artist Series Coaster inside your Breck 12-pack and be entered for our Weekly Poster Giveaways and many more prizes! Visit for all the details.

This week's Poster Giveaway features the art for Thornpipe, done by Jeff Wood of Drowning Creek Studio. We will be giving away a few signed and numbered screen print posters from a limited run of 100 posters that were created. Winners will be chosen both from download participants and our Facebook page. If you haven't gotten out to get a 12-Pack Sampler just yet and would still like a chance to WIN one of this week's posters, listen up!

SHARE this post on Facebook (be sure your share is PUBLIC so that we can see it), and tell us where you'd be hanging this awesome poster if you were the lucky winner! Winners will be posted in the comments section of this post & here:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Oak Mountain Poster Release Announcement

Still having issues with my Paypal store connection. I'm a little distressed at Paypal tech support due to their inability to get the store links to work right. It seems I am not the only vendor having the problem. I'm going to move the release to Thursday at 3:00pm EST. I may have to go back to my direct Paypal links to get it to work smoothly.

Once again, there will be the few remaining WP Alpharetta artist editions, WP Oak Mountain Uncuts and Variants, Wakarusa 2013 and Variants and maybe a few more unreleased editions if I can squeeze them in the store in time.